Refund Policy
You can return ordered product in following cases, If:
1. Product is not original
2. Product is used or not new.
3. Any Item is missing from Product Set
You cannot return/replace in following cases
1. Label, Price Tags, Barcode Stickers are Broken or Tampered
2. If the product or part of the product is used by you.
3. If the product is broken because of you.
Refund will be done in 3 working days starting from refund applied and approved by Navdanya Organic Store Refund amount will be confirmed only after complete check of product by our experts. Refund Method - will be made in same mode of transaction from which you have made payment. For Eg. Refund will be done on credit card if you have made payment through credit card Navdanya Organic Store will have final rights to reject or accept the request of return/replacement.